True Stretched Resolution In Any Game!

True Stretched is a windows program allowing gamers to enable "True Stretched Resolution"

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Stable: v0.0.0 Beta: v0.0.0a

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True Stretched is Open Source! View on GitHub!

© GNU General Public License v3

True Stretched Application

Valorant True Stretched In-Game Example

Valorant True Stretched Resolution In-Game


Valorant Native In-Game Example

Valorant Native Resolution In-Game

Supported Games

Game Game Instructions True Stretched Resolution
Apex Legends Guide Link
Farlight 84 Guide Link
Fortnite Guide Link
Valorant Guide Link

If you have any game requests please let me know in the subreddit dedicated to True Stretched!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is "True Stretched Resolution"?

"True Stretched Resolution" is the act of making a game/monitor run with the same height but having the width be smaller then stretching to fill the remaining space that with non true stretched resolution would be black bars to the full width of the monitor in-turn making player models wider.
It was the most popularly done in CS:GO from players coming from CS 1.6 and Source.

Will I get banned using this?

Short Answer is NO. True Stretched uses methods for each game that don't directly interact with the games themselves but for each game approaches it from an non-intrusive and non-injected and non-hooking method.

Is True Stretched open source?

Yes True Stretched is Open Source and using a GNU v3 License and if you are interested in the code behind how True Stretched works it can be viewed on GitHub!

I did everything the guide for the game told me to do and it's not working?

I do use the program daily (mainly for Valorant) so I check for that after updates each game still works... BUT with that said I'm not perfect, if it's not working please reach out in the Discord server or on the subreddit and I will fix it.

Is True Stretched specifically approved by any game developer?

Please note the True Stretched or CodingCarson are NOT in anyway affiliated by the companies that make the games supported so please double check the TOS of the game you are playing.